Monday, January 19, 2009

I'm So Gangsta

If there's one thing more un-attractive in a boy- it's being a wannabe. And i trust myself to say that our class in chock-full of them. No joke.

Doesn't anyone know the meaning of being REAL anymore? Everyone is trying to be like someone or other. Do you know that the excessive use of foul-words simply shows that you are a simple idiot who has a limited vocabulary? And acting all "samseng" doesn't make you a step higher than other people either. Also, shoving off girls and acting all hard-to-get is not a big turn-on(you know who you are). I can understand that using malaysian slang in a british school shows that you are motherland proud which is all very good but when u use it too much for the sake of showing how "gangster" you are, it just shows everyone how uneducated and barbaric you are. But that's okay becos i know that if you try really really hard you WILL be able to speak english :)


What happened to all the good boys? Gone like the dusty malaysian wind. Please, there is a serious lack of decent boys in this school.