Friday, April 24, 2009


The great thing about Kim is that she gives the BEST ideas!

Syaf: hooooww am i gonna get all the kittens adopted in a month!? HELP ME.

Kim: you can sell it on Ebay!!

Syaf: (twitch)

Come on, be realistic! What if the guy's actually a perverted cat molester disguised as a kind old lady? I thought that was pretty good. Or not. Well anyway, she told me that even if i saw the guy face to face he could easily be a cat meat lover. She definately had a point there so i suggested we sneak into his house and test all his steaks which happens to be an AWESOME idea! I still don't get why she started sighing afterwards. Ahem, she was the one who wanted to sell them on Ebay.

Bah, normal people simply cannot accept my overpowering intellect.

So the whole of today i've been moping about in my room with my laptop, wasting the day away googling random stuff and watching whatthebuckshow, happyslip, nigahiga, community channel etc. etc. in the hopes that some lighthearted comedy would lift my awfully depressed state due to my unsatisfactory results which i will NOT talk about because it'll only make me go back to.. (shudder) the dark side.

Funnily enough, i temporarily lost my mind halfway through and started watching interviews with Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart which led me to watch a pretty pointless but cute one hour photoshoot with the cast of Twilight for Vanity Fair. Actually it's more of a Bella and Edward photoshoot since only one picture was taken with the whole cast. Ha.

I have no idea why i ended watching this because i have never been a huge Twilight fan. Most probably i caught the disease from my aunt who happens to be err.. Robsessed. But don't worry Ucu, i won't go into the gruesome details.

The Twilight books are awesome though. I happen to have the whole series. I mean, they really take you into the heart and soul of the whole thing and you can actually feel as if you were Bella, living HER life. The description of Edward Cullen for example, which i bet most people can relate to, is just so detailed and precise that you can actually you know... feel him or smell him and imagine exactly what he would look like. Cold porcelain skin which a perfect, angular face. High cheekbones, a stronge jawline, his straight nose and full lips. His messy hair which retains the unusual bronze shade that he inherited in his human life from his biological mother.

He's a 6 foot 2 with a slender but muscular body and has purple bruises under his eyes which were once green. Sort of like a dead person.

Trust me people, once you've read the book the movie will almost ALWAYS be a disappointment. Just like Harry Potter. Ah well, what can we do? At least they got in all the key parts.

Anyway, Stephanie Meyers is a wonderful writer. The Twilight Craze was.. well, crazy. Every girl in the school was reading a Twilight book! Left, right, up, down. Eclipse, New Moon, Breaking Dawn, Twilight. I didn't get what the big deal was so i finally gave it try and i thought wow,

J.K Rowling has finally met her match.

Spontaneous Combustion: I've always loved books... i just don't know how to choose good ones for some reason. Hmm.

robert pattinson Pictures, Images and Photos

Here's one for you Ucu. I thought it was quite cute : )

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Kittens and Trust Issues

Guess what. I'm pregnant.

Okay fine i'm not but Munchie is. IT WAS UNEXPECTED! I thought she was an innocent little kitten who turned out to be.. well, not so innocent. I saw the first signs when she was lying on her side on the bedroom floor. Her nipples were swollen and pinkish.. typical of a pregnant kitty. Then, her stomach began to swell. And all hell broke loose.

It took a hundered and one excuses to cover up the truth from my mum, the ultimate cat hater in the house. My sister and i had to turn into persistant beggars just to keep Munchie. She barely agreed to THAT, what more a covey of 5 little rolling balls of fur? I think she would rather get her brand new sofas scratched all over than allow me to keep the kittens. Which i have no intention of doing so of course, since i have both eczema AND asthma.

Still, she does not trust me.

It's driving me nuts! Am i that prone to adorability? And i already promised her a billion and one times that i WOULD get them adopted in a month. She actually wanted to a) toss the whole lot at a nearby coffee shop b) let them rot to death in the SSPCA or c) eat them

Ok c) isn't true but the others are. And of course i said no! I am not cruel thank you very much. And i know what the conditions are in the SSPCA because i volunteered there with Christie for a while. I'll just sum it all up in one word- 'bad'. I think they already have enough cats and dogs to take care of without having to take in another pregnant cat which became homeless because the owner's mum doesn't trust her enough.

"I'm sorry but i'm going to have to dump the cat her cause she's pregnant and my mum doesn't let them stay at the house cause she thinks im incapable of getting them homes myself because i'm too much of a sucker when it comes to cuteness"

Come on people, have a heart. She didn't even let Munchie give birth to her kittens in the house! In the end, my dad convinced her to at least let them stay here while i go around finding homes for them. My dad has always been the softer one when it comes to animals. Thanks to him, lives have been saved! At least while im around. Unless my mum decides to kill them of course, and i don't mean using a knife.

bikini cat Pictures, Images and Photos

Saturday, April 18, 2009

On the loose

I HAVE LEARNED that blogging in a house full of kids is just about as easy as licking your elbow.

Right now I am in my grandmother's house and am attempting to blog in her computer room/playroom/bedroom while my 5 year old cousin is playing with the light switch and throwing a spiky rubber ball at me at the same time. Thank god the 3 year old is asleep.

So here i am in Singapore, under the false pretence of renewing my passport when i am actually trying to save myself from exam results which will probably psyche my brain into jumping off a cliff. Therefore, i am now labelled as an escaped convict who is currently on the run to save her life. Specifically her mental health.

Due to certain reasons, our stay here has been extended to Wednesday which is just plain awesome. I know i can't keep running forever but you gotta try anyhow. Like they say, better later than now. Or something like that.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Facial Paralysis

After weeks of feverish studying, crash courses and fiendish last minute cramming, it's finally over. You could almost feel the tension melting away like ice-cream in a heatwave when Mr. Peter told us to stop writing on the last day. There wasn't even any shouting. It was the whole im-so-happy-i-can't-breathe kind of thing.
:phew: Pictures, Images and Photos
So everyone got changed after school to celebrate outside since school ended at 12 but Mdm. Armstrong went on a roll and started handing out demerits like candy. She probably hates us looking so happy. Then again, she hates anything that has got to do with happiness.

I've realised that hanging out with 'lame shit' Year 8s are a heckload of fun! It doesn't matter whether they're younger than you(actually, most of them are my age). As long as they're nice people that you can click with, i don't think it's a big deal that their minds aren't as polluted as ours. Whoever said that year 8s were gay or lame are dumb narrow-minded losers who don't know a good thing when they see one. Yes, i'm talking about you guys.

It seems like we get more narrow-minded as we grow and we'll probably stay like that until we break out of that shell and start seeing things in a different light.

When we went to the cinema that day, we bumped into almost the whole Year 9 class. They were going in this huge group. Naturally, i wasn't invited but you know what? I think we had a way more awesome time than them.. no hard feelings intended of course. There was this one girl though who kept grimacing like a stuck pig whenever she looked at me. I think the expression's been permanently stuck there thanks to moi. I was trying to hide a smile the whole time i was talking to her friend. That definately added to my good mood.

If i can make someone frown so bad till' they became incapable of any other look, who knows what else i could do. Wink wink.
constipated Pictures, Images and Photos