Sunday, January 25, 2009

Material Girl

Last time it was all about the boys. Now, it's time to whack on the girls :)

You have read about my views on the attitude problems of the males in my school. Surprisingly enough though, the girls also have the ability to produce the same amount of annoyingness as the opposite gender. If not, more.

The scary thing about women as that they don't stab u in the back directly like men.

BACKSTABBER Pictures, Images and Photos

They do it when you're not looking.

We tend to bottle things up and then unleash them at the worst time, in the ugliest possible way. In front of them we smile and act all friendly. Behind their backs, we're brewing an evil concoction of deceit and lies to pay you back for whatever thing they have done to arouse our inner witch. This can range from getting beaten in a test to using your favourite $30 bodyshop foot lotion without permission to asking your chauffeur to get around town without you knowing(wink). But usually they do it just because they don't like you or how you look since they're so ugly they just can't stand looking at a decent girl.

5 signs that she has Bitchitites:

1) gossiping about you behind your back

2) spreading rumours about you

3) poisoning your close friends with their stories

4) boycotting you. usually girls with Bitchitites surround themselves with many minions and influencial followers. they feel 'safer' that way.

5) somehow get the insults at you but not in a direct way (spreading rumours or getting their minions to tell you)

Another thing that many girls(ESPECIALLY those in Lodge) are prone to is..


hence the title.

I DONT CARE if you have Armani Exchange tampons or a Louis Vuitton bra set. I DONT CARE if you go to Roxy and Esprit as often as you go to the toilet. I DONT CARE if your luggage bag buckles are made of REAL snakeskin or that your panties are trimmed with REAL chinchilla fur. Just because you enjoy wearing dead animal skin on your body doesn't make me respect you any more than other people. Having tons of branded things doesn't make you a better person either. Is your life so SAD and UNHAPPY that you have to resort to buying stuff to make you feel better? Are u so insecure that you wear all these branded things in an effort to cover up your flaws? Do you think that showing how rich u are on the outside changes how rich you are inside? NO IT DOESN'T.

The best things in life are free. I don't need all these material things to keep my feel good factor up because i haf everything i need right here at home with my family. Call me anti-social if you like. Maybe i am, but you know what? i dont care :D

And i know for a fact that i am far richer than any of you lodgians. Because love and happiness are simply... priceless :)