Sunday, July 12, 2009

I am officially related to Frankenstein.

My sister developed this hideous jaw-dropping allergy that started from a tiny little ringworm. It's either she's allergic to the fungus or the ringworm cream she used. We didn't tell our mom so the thing started getting larger and the rash was definately not doing a good job of blending in. It was creeping up her neck and we just had to break it to her. My parents went amok as expected, and took her to the clinic where she got a jab. Hopefully it'll die down before school we go back to school or she might as well come wearing a zombie costume.

No im just exaggerating.

Anyway, here i am in Singapore enjoying the city life minus the freaky masked inhabitants. The swine flu outbreak has definately taken it's toll here. My mum's obviously gone a tad bit paranoid and went out to buy sanitizers and doctor psycho masks for us. My aunts have also ruled out cycling by the beach because my sister's going to be 'too exposed to the sun'. Yes, keep her in the dark or else she'll sizzle away into nothingness. Might as well throw out all the garlic and buy little coffins for us to sleep in.